Cimpa home page

Connected International Meeting
Professionals Association


Let us know how you got into meeting planning. Please complete this form and you will be entered to win one of valuable prizes:

Please provide the following contact information:
            Name Optional
    Organization Optional
  Street Address Optional
 Address (cont.) Optional
            City Optional
  State/Province Optional
 Zip/Postal Code Optional
What was your job title before you became a meeting planner?

CEO/Managing Director, Executive Director
Secretary/Administrative Assistant
Training Director
Others (Please specify)


Other Comments

December 7 - 10, 2011 -- Albuquerque, NM
Contact Us
Connected International Meeting Professionals Association (CIMPA)
8803 Queen Elizabeth Blvd, Annandale, Virginia 22003 USA
Tel 1 512 684 0889 Fax 1 267 390 5193
Email us